Other funded projects include:
2020 - Presentation station - Projector, computer and cart to be used by guests for presentations to the school community
2019 - Chesterfield School Community outdoor open house (Guests included Caterpillar Lab, Harris Center for Conservation Education, Kroka Expeditions)
2014 - Roger Tincknell - Musical Program Across America: Regional music of the US, underground railroad to MLK, Union and Confederate songs and ballads, industrial America, Westward Ho!, Seas, Rivers and Waterways
2013 - Yoga for Classrooms program K-8
2012-2013 - Adventures at the 1780's Farm
2012 - Mentor program for needy students
2011 - Field trip to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts for Grade 6
2011 - "One school, one book" funding
2010 - Author Visi: Jerry Pallotta
2010 - Field trip to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts (Ancient Civilizations)
2009 - School Wide Dance Residency with NHDI (two weeks)
If you are interested to get involved, please contact us.